Friday, 6 February 2015

The Bluebell Woods by Tom K

The Blue-Bell Woods

A soothing feeling of tranquillity washed over as I stumbled over the dark brown, ancient gate. I dropped my bag in admiration at my stunning surroundings and was instantly taken-aback by the pungent scent of a million blue-bells that swirled around the trees; perfuming the woodland. Wow. Everything was silent aside from the melodic sound of a skylark complimenting its surroundings and the faint whoosh of the whispering wind as it tickled my cheek.

Further into the wood, majestic oaks stood sentinel marking their place, while their branches swayed together as if they were sharing a secret. Just below, diamonds of dew shimmered on frail cobwebs in the first few winks of sunlight that filtered through a canopy of branches. Amazing.

With that (A fairly good impression to the woods) I hoisted my rucksack onto my back and ventured into the vibrant blue-bells that triggered fond memories of my child-hood.


  1. What lovely word choices Thomas. I also love that you've used one word sentences to add impact. Well done.
    Miss Thompson


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