As I stepped off the dainty, blue feluka I gazed at the beautiful city in front of me. When I walked closer to the city the smell of smoke got stronger and stronger. When I got to the middle of the city the sound of music filled my ears. I walked onwards then stopped and looked up-there above me were minarets sparkling in the sky like a bunch of fireflies dancing. Suddenly I heard a strange noise, I jumped and turned around, it was someone praying in Egyptian. It sounded like they were praying for food and animals. Then someone riding a donkey went past. He looked at me and stopped, he looked at me again, even closer, then left. I felt nervous and puzzled.
As I stepped off the small, cramped feluka I saw young and old people wearing long, swishy robes. As I walked I noticed old people smoking and playing games. Excited and curious, I was eager to look around, to see what was different from England. I heard people haggling loudly. I saw the houses were different from England, they were narrow instead of being wide. I could smell spicy food being cooked and it smelt good. As I walked, people brushed gently past me. I saw people selling musty carpets.
As I got off the tiny feluka, I gazed at the amazing buildings in the distance. I could hear the sound of beautiful music flowing through the narrow streets. As the people walked up the stairs, I could hear them talking and I didn’t understand them. The choking smoke from the shisha pipes all around me filled my nostrils and I felt sick. I felt scared, worried and anxious about being in this strange, beautiful city.
As I carefully stepped off the small feluka, I saw a huge, colourful building ahead of me. I heard people shouting to pray in the mosque. When I was walking down the streets I saw men smoking shisha pipes. I heard people speaking different languages, I was confused! I felt scared and excited at the same time as I touched the bumpy wall of the mosque. Suddenly, a noisy group of men brushed quickly past me and I wondered where they were going to in such a rush.
What fantastic writing! Your careful choice of adjectives really brings the reader into your Egyptian world. I especially like the way you describe both the strange city and how it makes you feel.